Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chibi Chain?

Chibi Chain is a Free Open-Source Linktree alternative developed by yours truly with a focus on an anime centered theme.

How does Chibi Chain Work?

Simply create an account and upload a picture(optional) and upload links. Once you have multiple links, you can drag around the order of the links(on desktop) and it will update. You can also edit your bio but by default everyone will have "UwU". It's that simple!

Where can I see the source code?

The source code is available on the footer of the home page where you can click the source code link.

Do you steal my data and spy on me like the government?!

No, this website does not do anything of the sort. The only information we acquire from you is your Google email that you use to sign in with, and whatever links you upload which is something you make publicly available.

How can I support you?

If you want to support me, you can buy something from my anime store here.

Can I contribute?

Yes, this is an Open-Source project and if you would like, you can create a pull request.

I have an awesome idea you should implement but I can't code

If you have a cool idea to add to this website I am always down for feedback. I am actively looking for ways to improve the site and would like to hear from you at my email address: